We are excited to announce the results for the 2021-2022 Rotaract Genève International board elections.
Our President will be Ari Stojanovski, our vice president will be Georgette Mbong Ondoua, our protocol and coordination officer will be Marie-Thérèse Bouyones, our PR manager will be Boris Fernandez, our treasurer will be Frédéric Hussler and our admissions manager will be Kalyssa Heinrich.
Thank you to everyone that voted and congratulations to our 2021-2022 board! There is a fun picnic planned this Saturday by Georgette and Ari and there is more information in the WhatsApp group chat.
Our next meeting, and final meeting of this Rotary term, will be on Wednesday, June 23rd outside and in person. More details to come.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in person soon!