On September 18th 2021, Rotaract Genève International took part in the Ville de Genève’s action for WorldCleanupDay 2021. Many fellow Rotaractors from District 1990 as well as Rotary Genève International members took part in this project, resulting in 23 attendees. The action consisted of picking up litter found in the streets and recycling them in existing recycling points. Gloves and recycling bags were generously provided by Association de Sauvegarde du Léman. This project was organized by Georgette Mbong Ondoua.
This event was followed by a lunch at Café Papon in the old town of Geneva. The lunch was then followed by the District Rotaract Presidential Meeting, organized by Eleonora Patinot and hosted by Hans Jörge in Fondation Suisse de Déminage’s headquarters.